Get Organized Checklist for Web Designers

For most web designers the month of December is the slowest month of the year. This is especially true during the last two weeks of the year when most folks are holiday shopping and attending parties. The good news is that you can effectively use this time to organize yourself for the New Year and start out the new year on the right foot.

I’ve compiled a list of to-do tasks that most designers I know dislike doing, and therefore have a tendency to let these type tasks pile up. I guess they call that procrastination {big grin}. Now is the time to get real as Dr. Phil would say about getting organized and at the same time getting a real jump start on the New Year.

1. Tackle the Filing Task

It’s boring to file all that paper. Am I right in assuming that you dislike shuffling paper too?

2. Appointment/Planner Book

You HAVE purchased next year’s appointment or planner book, right? Now is the time to transfer all those notes, reoccurring occasions and goals into that new planner. If you use an electronic planner, your software likely has a copy feature.

3. Close the Books on the old year

Most right-brain designers I know absolutely hate the idea of bookkeeping, taxes, and all those numbers. If you do not have an accountant or bookkeeper the daunting task is yours. If you live in the USA, tax season is just around the corner and regardless of how much you try to avoid it, it will be here long before you realize it. Be sure your books are closed for all past months this year and all of December’s sales, expenses, AR and APs are current. You will be glad you did come January 1st.

4. Cleanup and organize your hard drive(s)

This is another task that before you know it, surprises you with the cold fact that you are nearly out of hard drive space or your files are so disorganized you spend more time trying to find them than actually using them.

5. Backup your system(s)

Cleanup your hard drive first and then back up your most critical files. Most web designers don’t use CDs or DVDs to backup their files anymore. They use external, portable hard drives because they are so much easier to use and store far more than even DVDs.

6. Update software, hardware drivers

It’s a fact. If you own a computer, you need to keep it updated with regular maintenance just like you do your car. If you are like me, your computer is your means to get to work (like your car) and your office. So do not neglect it. Keep up to date on your operating system, software and hardware drivers.

7. Purchase that much needed hardware you have been putting off

Is your scanner shot? Could that digital camera you bought in 1999 be retired? Electronics and computer hardware are becoming so inexpensive these days and there is no time like a slow period in your business to update the old and learn how to use the new equipment.

8. What change(s) can be made to your website that will increase the potential of sales immediately?

Take this time to seriously sit down with pad and pencil (get away from your computer) and create this list on paper. You can use it into the coming year to achieve your goals and website objectives. More on this topic will be written in a separate article next month.

8. Reduce the paperwork

If you can, use Smart Text Editors or Personal Information Management software to organize all those snippets of codes you use often or those design notes you refer to more than three times a week. This is a huge timesaver and the best means for organizing your daily tasks.

9. Analyze your log files

If you don’t know what your site visitors are looking for on your website or why they are leaving without buying/subscribing, etc., you need to take a hard look at your backend access log files. Or hire someone else with experience in this area to do it for you. Most online businesses fail because they have no idea what market is hitting their site and why. If you are advertising in a fishing magazine and your site visitors are game hunters, you are wasting your advertising dollars, your time and your visitors time.

10. New Products and Services

If you are serious about your business, then you are continually trying to improve your services or the products you offer. Use slow times to improve existing products or services or create new offshoots from your existing products. The biggest mistake most designer make is trying to provide it all which results in supplying a poor standard of everything they offer. Find your niche and stick to it as much as possible. Then keep improving it in all possible directions.

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