How to Create FaceBook App Id For Blogger Blog?

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]acebook is a first preferred platform in the eyes of internet marketing, as it has a higher market share as compare to other social media. This thing is very well known by the developers of the Facebook inc. Hence they are providing number of plugins that are directly integrated in the any website or blogs like facebook like box, sharing plugin and so on. In many cases the database of the plugin accessible by the public the best example is Facebook comment box, where the website admin gets a number of comment in a day. Not necessary that all the comments are genuine, admin must have some control on it. Through apps id the web developer can  they can edit, delete(remove), and gets the notification of comments. So Lets see how to create Facebook App Id.

Step 1: Go to Facebook Application Page.

Step 2: Hover your mouse on apps and click on “Create A New App”.

facebook apps id step 1

facebook apps id step 4 Now fill up Display Name and select category and click on Create App button.

facebook apps id 2014

Step 4 : Security Check, type the text from image and click on submit. you will find your apps dashboard.

Step 5: Now click on setting. Click on add platform > select website icon > and add your domain name with “http://“. Fill up all details like contact Email, App Domains and Site URL (See below image for reference). Click on save.

facebook apps id add domain

Step 6: Now we have to enable live features available to the general public so go to dashboard , so click on status and review and make it yes.

facebook apps id step 6

Step 7: That set now you had your Apps Id, Copy it from your apps dashboard, you can use it where you want to use.

  1. Hey Umesh,

    Great post. While creating websites on independent hosts other than Blogger & WordPress, I needed a secure login system. And I think now I can solve it using Facebook Apps. Thanks for pointing me out.

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