How to Find your Best Domain Name in 6 Simple Steps

Choosing a domain is the first step to create a blog or website. Without buying a domain name you can’t build your own website. Though in some website you can create a free blog , but that is not actually belongs to you. They may removed your free website within a minute without any reason. So to make a self hosted website, you must buy a domain name. Again if you want to create a website for making money online, then you must choose a perfect domain name. There are many consideration and thought for choosing a domain name. We enlisted the best domain name ideas for choosing a domain here. Follow the 6 simple steps to find best domain name for your website.

Domain name ideas for choosing a domain

1) Make domain name easy to type

Choosing a domain name which is easier to type has a great importance for website success. If you keep slang ( Example- u instead of You) or words with multiple spelling ( Example- express and xpress), your domain will be harder to find your site for visitors. So, keep your domain name so easier to type for the visitors.

2) Keep it short

There is a bad domain name ideas among the new comer in blogging. They think that a long and complex domain name help them to make popular their website. But it is completely a false idea. Because finding a keyword for creating a article and choosing a domain name are something difference. If you use complex and long domain name for your site, customers will misspell and mistype it. So choose a simple and short domain name to start a new blog.

3) Use keywords in your domain name

Try to keep the perfect keywords in your domain name. Use the keyword which belongs to your business or website content. For example – if you want to build your website with technology review content, then your domain should be like it will help you to boost your website in search engine.

4) Target your local Area

If you want to run a local business with your website, try to keep your city or country name in it. Then it will be easier for the customers finding your domain name. Example-

5) Don’t use numbers and hyphen

Sometimes we see that numbers or hyphens have been used in some website domain name. It is a another bad domain name ideas. Because, using the number and hyphen often misunderstand the people. Again search engine may penalty your website for this mistake. So, avoid numbers and hyphen in your domain name to make it as a best domain name.

6) Use the best domain name extension

Domain name extensions are the some suffixes such as .com, net, .uk, .bd at the end of web addresses. These are useful for only some specific usage. You should select the right one according your business. The .com domain extension is widely popular and top level extension now. But in .com extension, there is so difficult to get a short and memorable domain name. Now there are new generic top level domains are available such as .photography, .guru and .nyc. These extension will help you to get a relevant and short domain name for your site. But we recommend you .com extension as you are a beginners and just want to build a blog.

In conclusion, we say you again that follow the above domain name ideas for choosing your perfect domain. Before staring a new website, select your right domain first. Then go ahead for the next steps. Build a successful website and enjoy your future blogging.

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