Social Marketing Tips to Keep My Blog at the Top Ranking

There are many ways to keep your blog popular and at the top of the rankings. One of the simplest ways is to add new posts every day. This will keep people interested and clicking on your blog. One of the ways rankings are established is by the number of people who are clicking on your web site and your blog. Try to post at least twice a day. Include funny anecdotes, free advice, and links to web sites of interest so that people will want to return to your blog often.

Another way to keep your blog at the top of the rankings is to advertise in other forums. Ask your friends to post a link to your blog on their web sites or blogs, find retail web sites that are looking for blogs to add to their web pages, and try to get on as many databases as possible. When ranking web sites and blogs, the number of links that web spiders can catch will increase your ranking on the web. You can also join forums and advertise your blog, you can post your blog on chat room sites, or create a separate blog that promotes your first blog. You will have to be imaginative since there are many people who have blogs and are all trying to be number one in the rankings.

If you have a blog to promote your business, but are too busy to post new information each day, you should hire one or two writers to contribute to your blog. These writers will add fresh ideas and perspective to your blog. Many people write blogs both for themselves and for a living. There is no shortage of blog writers out there today. If you do want to consider hiring writers for your blogging needs, you may want to seek out a writing agent or an online writing job board. These two avenues are the perfect way to find qualified writers. You will likely find writers who will work cheaper on the online job boards. You can usually post an ad for blog writers for free and the writers will email you if they are interested. Many will include samples of their work, which is the ideal way to choose the best writers from the horrid hopefuls.

Hiring writers to help you with your blog can be great for many reasons. First, it can help you not feel as stressed out about updating your blog each day. In addition, you will still be reaping the rewards of an updated blog, without having to do the work yourself. If you are making money from your blog, you should be able to afford paying a writer to help you with your task. Choosing a writer that has a writing style similar to yours, or one that you just particularly like are a great ways to begin.

Once you have used these tips, you should see a difference in your ranking. You can buy your way to a higher ranking by using Google ad sense and other features that are offered by search engines. This will require you to link your blog to many different web sites, but the effort will pay off. Another way to increase your ranking is to hire a marketing firm or web writer who can write articles for your blog that are keyword rich. This means that when people type in certain keywords, your blog will appear near the top of the list. People who are knowledgeable about SEO keyword operations will be able to get your rankings up.

Internet rankings are only one way to increase your exposure on the Internet. Creating a newsletter, adding to your web site, and using other means of advertising are all good ways to create more traffic to your blog. The most important part of having a blog is being loyal to it and adding to it each day so that people will return. Word of mouth is still the bonafide best way to advertise a product or service. If you provide amusing blogs, your rankings will automatically go up. Being consistent and providing new material is the only way to maintain a healthy audience.

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