5 Tips to Consider Before You Invest in Explainer Videos

A video is an important asset when it comes to developing your brand’s proposition. Video explains your brand at the core, attracting customers while giving informative experience. A report by Wyzowl states that 97 percent of businesses have experienced high user comprehension through videos.

Moreover, Cisco predicts that videos will be responsible for 82 percent of all internet traffic by 2021. Increasing number of organizations are using video marketing to promote their products or services, but integrating it completely into a marketing strategy is not as easy as pie.

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By following any obsolete viral video, organizations usually end up creating a boring video and losing your target audience.

Creating a video needs skills and creativity to portray your vision in front of your prospects; therefore, you should consult any Video Production Company to present your best foot forward.  But before investing in any company and planning to create a video, make sure you consider the following points which can help to make the most out of your investment in a video.

 A budget that does not kill!

Shrug off expanding your budget in a bid to create an exceptional video. Addressing yourself the key points of marketing is important prior to devising a plan for your video, but diving deep into concepts can hide your brand’s message and leads to high spendings on the video.

Sticking to a thorough outline can help you acknowledge what to spend on while keeping a check on the budget so that it does not overflow throughout the campaign. Though time, experience and budget do matter when it comes to quality of the video, organizations also need to walk through their policies and end goals prior to creating a video. Time is critical to run everything within the budget. Let your production team know if you are not in a hurry. But be ready to pay extra if you want to get your video done in short span of time.

A substantial investment in digital marketing will worth it when you know who your target audience is. You should have a clear picture of your prospects in your mind to whom you want to sell your products. This will help you map out your marketing strategy in a customer-centric way, as you will be able to interact, offer, and solve pain points in the way your customers would like to.

You need to keep up brevity and clarity so that you can express your brand. A long and complicated brand story might bounce away your potential audience as compared to a short and straightforward video, which guides the audience how you can help them.

Roadmap to a Quality Video Production

Video production and marketing involves technical aspects that are important to make a quality oriented video. If you are new to video marketing, it may take years to get hands-on the concepts and tools of video production. Moreover, if you will expect results in the mere beginning and calculate marketing return on investment, then you might not be able to make the most of video marketing, and you would feel lost in it.
explainer video marketing
Before creating a video, discuss with an expert, friend or digital marketing agency why and what results you expect in the future through videos.  An expert will introduce you to potential hazards while streamlining the process of video production.

A Google-sized budget is what you require to make a great video. In addition to finding experts, you can follow the following points to communicate your brand’s message in the right way.

What are your goals?

You are the master of your business; therefore, you only have better insights about what marketing strategy should your business have. The outcome of the video depends on the reason for creating that video. If you want to sell, then you should focus on the marketing part in the video. If you want to develop your brand proposition, then make an introductory video, which talks about your brand.  If you think that you would need a celebrity to bring your video in the limelight, you are wrong here. You can even stand out from your competitors through a simple yet classic video with a great animated graphics. Look out your competitors’ videos and acknowledge existing trends to come up with new ways to target your audience.

A shorter video is key

According to recent research, 15-second videos are about 75 percent as effective as 30-second ads. The twist is, a 15-second video could be less expensive and more engaging as compared to a 6o second video.
What results in a short attention span is the complex nature of videos.  If you will try to explain everything, such as history, plans, and goals, your audience is likely to get distracted and fly away.  A creative explainer video describes your brand, services, and quality in 15 seconds and helps your prospects get across your marketing campaign.

How will people talk about your video?

Distribution of the video depends on the availability of the target audience on various platforms. Depending on the type of services and sector you work in, you can find out the platform your audience remains most active while uploading your video to it. The landing page of your website is one of the most favorable places to upload your video to which is further embedded with a call to actions.

Tip: Make sure you optimize your video well as per the algorithms and guidelines of Google and other social media platforms. Not only will your video rank better on the first page of Google, but it will also generate high traffic.

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  1. Hi Danish,
    I am about to make a video on a product received to me for review from manufacturer, during search on how to prepare good video I came across this article, which is really helpful to me. This is first time I am going to make a video so that it can rank on youtube in good way. Lets see how it goes with help of your article.

  2. Hi Danish,
    Nice article. Videos are gonna get more exposure than the blog post for any explainer videos and so this is very helpful.
    Thanks for the sharing!

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